HOWLAND H-2 HONEY BEE-LOW COST-EASY TO BUILD AEROBATIC BIPLANE–PLANS AND MANUALS PLUS INFO PACK FOR HOMEBUILD | HOWLAND H-2 HONEY BEE-LOW COST-EASY TO BUILD AEROBATIC BIPLANE–PLANS AND MANUALS PLUS INFO PACK FOR HOMEBUILD The Honey Bee is a low-cost, easy-to-build biplane (and if you could go just on looks, I'd still be sold?hop in this, and you'll look like a barnstormer of old) with basic aerobatic capabilities. The Honey Bee was first introduced in 1988. The H-2 model designation is for an aircraft with one set HOWLAND H-2 HONEY BEE-LOW COST-EASY TO BUILD AEROBATIC BIPLANE–PLANS AND MANUALS PLUS INFO PACK FOR HOMEBUILD